September 2010 Update
© Mike Devita
Of faraway places
With strange-sounding names
Penetrating my brain
Way too often
At inopportune times
Of journeys past
And of those planned
And of those yet to enter that stage
Penetrating my scrapbook
Of places visited and yet to do so
Goals of times to be
Of confectionary delights
Active always in my thoughts
In all colors of the rainbow
In all stages of desire...
Those "forbidden fruits"
Penetrating my mental taste buds
Most of the times
Of diets present and past
Of clothes no longer practical
Of walks I wish I could still take
Of food I wish I could still eat
Of health I wish I still had
Of friends who could care less
About diets and clothes and forbidden food
And help to keep me in the proper mood
© Mike Devita
A thing of the past.
No one answers the phone
Unless you wait for half a day
To finally get through to
A live voice, not from India,
Or some other foreign country
Where no one understands anyone.
No one arrives when they
Give you a schedule and
Tell you they will be there
At a certain time
To resolve a problem
In fact, sometimes they
don't arrive at all.
A window for on call
Resolutions: 7 am to 10 pm
What a joke.
And what do you do
In the meantime?
Twiddle your thumbs?
Or you stand in a box store
Waiting for someone to help
You find something or to give
You instructions on a product.
And you keep waiting, and
waiting and waiting, and
waiting some more.
Whatever happened to
Customer satisfaction...
Customer care...
I must be a relic.
August 2010 Update
© Mike Devita
It is a good thing to have friends,
Or so I have been told.
I guess there are all kinds of friends.
The close ones who are there
Through good and bad times, thick and thin.
And if you disagree about something,
You work it out and keep on going.
And there are others who are there for you
When you can do something for them, but
Who can just as quickly pick up stakes
And move on to other so-called friends.
Sounds like a bee flitting from flower to flower.
And when the flower no longer produces,
The bee just keeps moving on.
I have had friends like that, not too many though.
I don't spend much time trying to cultivate them.
It isn't worth the effort.
I like friends who stay despite any
Idiosyncrasies you may possess,
Who stand up for you when others are talking about you
Who don't talk about you behind your back.
Who listen and try to understand your point of view
Even if they don't always agree.
Who really care about you, and what you think,
Who really want to be with you.
I like friends with whom you can gab for hours
Mostly about nothing or nothing extraordinary.
It doesn't matter...It is the mutual chat that does.
Especially those friends who are not always saying
"Sorry...gotta things to do".
When those things don't amount to a hill of beans.
Things to do never go away.
Friends do.
Good friends don't. Unless they have no choice.
So I have come up with a not so earth-shaking decision.
Life is short...we all know it. Minutes count.
I choose to spend the little time I have
With friends who really care about me.
Those who want to be with me, and share the minutes.
Those who have no always -pressing engagements.
Good friends are better than any amount of gold.
Such are the kind of friends with whom you can grow old.
July 2010 Issue
© Mike Devita
Memories from the past
Call us back to calmer, slower days.
When the world was not in such a rush
To go nowhere in particular.
When playing in the backyard
Was all the fun kids needed.
When a good radio show could make
Us laugh or cry or get scared because
It was all in our imagination anyway.
A time when we could go to the local store
And pick up a brown paper bag full of
All kinds of Candy delights for only a penny,
Where the term "penny candy" came from,
And the delight in making those choices
Is unmatched by any such thing today.
When a quarter allowance was a big deal
Cause we could spend a whole Saturday
At the local all- day double feature movies,
Stuff our bellies with candy and soda,
Laugh with our friends or hide behind the seat
If the movie got scary,
And the whole day was only a dime,
And we still had fifteen cents left for the rest of the week.
A time When kids behaved in school because they knew
That if they didn't, they would get it double at home.
A time when Mom was always there when we got home
To provide a nice snack after school before we
Went out to play before dinner.
A time when our decision making was whether to
Play tag or hide and seek or dodge ball
Or cowboys and Indians, or some other simple game,
When we didn't need the "toys of today"
To keep us from getting bored.
How often I have said: if only the kids today
Knew what they are missing.
And then realization sets in.
They will say the same thing about their
Kids some time far away in the future.
I have heard some scientists say that we
Live on several planes at the same time,
That yesterday, today and tomorrow
All exist at once.
That is too difficult for me to remember.
I prefer yesterday.
April 2010 Issue
© Mike Devita
A special time to think about the man who saved the world
Pray that he is watching over present conditions
Remember the purpose of the holiday
I know everyone likes Easter Eggs and Chocolates, but
Love is the reason for the season
Sad Departure
© Mike Devita
So many people look forward
to the coming of Spring.
To the reawakening of nature
as it displays itself in the
brilliant colors associated
with the season...
the vivid yellows
the soft purples
the bright yellows
the sprouting light greens which darken
the too-soon-gone whites
And before an eye is blinked
Summer is here with all its heat
the mosquitos
the humidity
the perspiration with any distance walked
the constant weeding of outdoor gardens
the screaming kids no longer in school
And before we blink again
It is back to Fall
the leaves turn more brilliant colors
Than we ever imagined in Spring
The golds, the browns, the reds
And then we are back to winter once again
And the blessed coolness that I always love
And miss when Spring takes it all away
And makes me sad and wish for its return.
And maybe, just maybe, we get more snow.
But in more moderation than the Winter of 2010.
Winter is much more my style.
January 2010 Issue
© Mike DeVita
The arms of the earth
Broke through the sod
And clenched his fist in derision,
For clay knows not the might of God
It has but earthly vision.
The finger of God wrote in the sky
A sign of mighty fire:
"Reach up to me for I am life"
But earth could reach no higher.
With strength of muscle,
With might and main,
Earth struggled and then defied,
But God stretched forth His Hand of Love,
And earth was glorified.
© Mike Devita
A voice of velvet
Softly dispels melodious notes
Amidst the surrounding cacophonies
It enunciates each word
With perfect diction
With emphatic clarity
With astute phrasing
With deep feeling and emotion
As it competes with the jarring rumbles of noise
The rap, the hip hop, the whining voices
Forever searching for a true note
And then it quietly departs
For days, for weeks, for months, for years
Silenced by the excuses that some call "music"...
Music without harmony, without resonance,
Without apparent melody, without real feeling,
Blaring voices that trip the scales with insecurity
In a world that accepts what it hears as proper
Until an occasional whisper of a former time
Recalls what once was taken too much for granted
The voice, once again, calls us back
To the beautiful sounds that still reside
On long forgotten or seldom played vinyl
Sometimes resurrected on a web site
Or in a television documentary
To remind us of
What we no longer have, but could
What we now accept reluctantly, and shouldn't
What we need to bring back
If for nothing else,
For the sake of beauty.
For the sake of loveliness.
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